Dating a Disabled Woman: Rules to Know and Follow


Any relationship with a person with disabilities suggests the presence of strong love and the feeling that it is this person you need. Only such factors will allow going through all the problems and difficulties of living together with a disabled person. Disabled singles dating someone can overcome their problems - there are many examples of it.

disabled singles dating

The choice of the soul mate must be final and conscious because by entering into marriage with a disabled person, you take full responsibility for their current condition. Due to the nature of the life of people with disabilities, you will have to take care of him or her, buy the right products, for example, active wheelchairs - an essential item for many people with disabilities.

Often, the presence of a loved and loving person has a very beneficial effect on the disabled person. There are a huge number of cases where reliable support and love helped a sick person to cope with the disease or reduce its manifestations. There are even known cases of complete healing of people when doctors predicted complete immobility of the joints.

Family life with a disabled person is an incredible responsibility that a healthy partner will have to take on. And you will have to take care not only of yourself and the children but also of the better half, who is limited, as a rule, in motion. A relationship with a disabled person will be doomed to disintegration if a healthy person does not show proper understanding and patience.

The healing of people with disabilities in a marriage based on love and patience occurs as a result of the appearance of plans and hopes for a bright future with a loving and loved one. It is these factors that add perseverance and strength to overcome difficulties associated not only with the disease but also with life. For example, in this endeavor, people with disabilities agree to risky operations that they could not decide on until that time, they stubbornly undergo rehabilitation procedures, devote more time to physical exertion, which can eventually lead to the restoration of lost motor functions. Dating for the disabled is the way to live a full life.

What's It Like Dating a Disabled Person

Relationships with a person with a disability are fundamentally different from normal relationships. Although, for sure, you have heard different things from people who do not have relevant experience. Such people are usually guided by their own ideas about something. Therefore, these are not the best advisers.

In reality, a relationship with a disabled person is a test for your courage, loyalty, and patience. The test that you will have to overcome again and again - at least at first. As in any relationship, you have to deal with society in all its manifestations. Friends, family, public opinion - all these are factors that will affect your life.

It happens so that a healthy person entering into a relationship with a disabled person becomes the object of psychological analysis by others. Especially cynical people may see this as a mercantile interest (in the event that a disabled person or their family has significant material wealth) or an unhealthy craving for "adventures" (yes, I have even come across this opinion). dating sites for disabled peopleIf you are a person who is sensitive to public opinion, it will be hard for you. You will make a new discovery for yourself: there is only the specter of universal understanding in society. This applies even to the progressive countries of the West.

In society, there are dozens of myths and prejudices relating to romantic relationships with people with disabilities. I was particularly annoyed by the topic of sex - as usual, the greatest number of incredible conjectures hovers around intimate life. For example, I often heard that people with disabilities are always horny. They are so lacking sex that they are ready to do it with anyone at any time. Can you imagine that? And this is the real opinion of dozens of people I know. But there is one more extreme: I have met the reluctance of some of my friends (who, by the way, are quite intelligent and mature) to talk about sex. At first, I did not really understand what was going on. It took me a lot of tedious thinking to finally figure out what was wrong. I have been living with and dating a disabled woman for 3 years. She is wheelchair bound. So, it seemed to them that our sex is a certain form of pathology. This is something out of the ordinary.

Well, I had to talk with each of them separately - and only after that, they realized that this was the most ordinary sex with some technical nuances.

In fact, to overcome all difficulties and develop your own algorithm of behavior, you need to look at how your partner with a disability responds to certain situations. If he or she prefers to be independent - let him or her remain such. Do not impose your help when it is not needed. Feel free to ask questions - as in any relationship, this is a key success factor.

I think, girls dating a disabled man face similar problems and misunderstandings with society. A relationship with a disabled person is an ongoing dialogue. We must always remember this. In the initial stages of our relationship, I often forgot about this and put myself in unpleasant (for me) situations, although I could just ask what I should do in those or other situations. Over time, I acquired such a dialogue skill that it even helped me in my professional activities :)

Online Dating for Disabled: Tips and Advice

What can you say about online dating? It is everywhere. This is an integral part of the lives of millions of people - if you do not believe it, you may just google the statistics. Online dating has always been complicated, whatever marketers working in this industry would tell you. But what if you're disabled and trying to find a soul mate online? The rules of online dating for the disabled game are much more complicated at this point. My girlfriend told me about it. Despite all the difficulties, we still managed to build relationships, thanks to one of free dating sites for disabled which will be listed in the next section of our article. We will not say what exactly this site is because nobody pays for advertising :) Before we found each other, we went a long way.

Once my girlfriend stumbled upon a similar article in which it was told what a disabled person should do so that his search for the other half on the Internet would not end in failure but lead to a new, bright future. Tips that you see may seem trivial to you. This is their main strength: the best advice is often the simplest one. People just want something special, some kind of magic formula. But this does not happen.

So, what will help you with online dating?

Honesty. Yes, there is nothing stronger than sincerity and honesty from the very beginning of the development of your relationship. Especially if you are disabled. You must honestly tell people about your disability and about all the nuances associated with it. This is the only way to build a happy relationship. Disability affects not only the life of the disabled person but also the lives of people with whom he/she lives. You have to honestly tell exactly how a person’s life will change if he or she decides to build a relationship with you and start a family.

Confidence. Before you start searching for a couple online, think about your self-esteem. Perhaps there are some points you still need to work on. If you are not sure that you are an independent person, it will be very difficult for you. People feel weak and often seek to take advantage of it. As soon as you perceive yourself in a positive way, your success on the romantic front will noticeably improve. This is a proven fact.

free dating sites for disabledOrganize a first date in a familiar and convenient place. When going on a date for the first time, make sure that nothing will distract you from communicating with a new friend. This ideal place should be the one you know well and where you feel confident.

Do not drink too much. Even when you’re just looking for a partner on a dating site. This advice may seem a bit strange. I was also surprised when I first heard it from my girlfriend. It turns out that a lot of people drink alcohol (we are not talking about one or two glasses of wine, of course) and are trying to establish friendship online. As a result, they lose the ability to analyze and eventually discover that they did not tell something about themselves, they lied, and their partner, in reality, is not at all what he/she was last night when you drank a couple of extra whiskeys.

Best Disabled Dating Sites

This site has a really huge user database. Among them, there are many people with disabilities. When we talk about "many people", we really mean it. Online dating is very dependent on how many profiles you can study before you choose a mate. This site gives such an opportunity, although it does not have any specificity - it’s just a huge and proven dating site, where thousands of people find mates every day.

Elite Singles

The audience of this dating site is significantly different from the audience of other similar services. Here more serious and business people are hanging out. More than 80% of the audience has a university degree and even a scientific degree. This greatly affects the quality of communication, including among people with disabilities. Here people are primarily interested in your intellect, and not in particularities of your physiology.

Disability Match

This site is based in the UK. It was created specifically to enable people with disabilities to freely communicate and look for a partner without spending too much time discussing their problems. The site is rapidly developing and now it is used by residents of many countries.

Meet Disabled Singles

Another project created for the most comfortable communication for people with disabilities. The site has many filters and a convenient search system, thanks to which your chances of success will be truly great. If you are looking for online disabled dating for free, try it.

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