How to Flirt with a Girl Online


What attracts girls to guys? Probably every man asks this question at least once in his life looking at the pictures in a ladies gallery on a dating site or in social networks. Most men are sure that their appearance is important. Therefore, they try to look as cool as possible. However, in reality, the way the guys look is secondary. Of course, facial features and his body are important but it’s not the appearance that attracts the girls in the guys, but the manner of communication.

Ladies should feel interested next to men. If a girl is pleased to talk with a man, then she will go on a date with him with great pleasure. Therefore, if a guy wants to be popular with girls or to conquer only one of them, he needs to learn how to flirt. This skill is useful not only in direct communication but also in online dating. So, how to flirt with a girl online?

flirting with a girl online

How to flirt with a girl online: simple steps

Flirting online is becoming an increasingly popular search method for significant others. It is fast, efficient and convenient. However, if you want to meet girl online and turn your online romance into something unusual, and not just a temporary adventure, it is worth following simple rules.

Opening line

If you started to play, then get acquainted effectively. You shouldn’t be another guy who writes “hello”, “how are you,” “let’s get acquainted”, “what are you doing”. Sending virtual flowers and gifts is also stupid. When you flirt through messages, you need originality. So, from the very beginning, praise a woman’s photographs or start a correspondence with a girl with any unusual phrase. Of course, the first sentences that you write to her should be interrogative. This psychological trap will force her to answer you. So, think about what will be nice and interesting to write an answer to. What can she be proud of and what does she love? There are no clear flirting online examples and ready-made phrases. It is necessary to improvise. Banal messages never produce the desired result. You need to be original, interesting, funny, unobtrusive, positive, proactive and a little mysterious. It is necessary to show those positive qualities, which girls like in men.


Girls love men with a good sense of humor. This is an axiom. Humor is the key to most women’s hearts. Cheering the girl in correspondence, you are almost guaranteed to receive the first date. Read more jokes, funny stories, and watch comedies. In films, you can often see flirting, different phrases, and variants of verbal battles between a man and a woman. You can say frank flirty jokes that will cause different emotions in a woman. But be careful and don’t overdo it, flirting with a girl online. A woman might think that you are saying this seriously. In this case, there may be trouble. For example, never joke at a girl’s appearance. This may lead to the end of the conversation and even a blacklist. Yes, a girl can laugh at herself but if you tease her too often, it will cause a negative reaction to your person.

Flirt with emoticons

Emoticons seemed to be specially invented to smooth out possible misunderstandings in situations of texting. In modern devices, there are emoticons for almost any occasion. These funny faces have long migrated to our everyday communication. Now we are ready to use them everywhere because they help better understand our messages. By adding emoticons at the end of the message, you can add more sense to the message. For example, if you have a specific sense of humor and know about it, emoticons will allow you to find a way out of any situation and will help a woman understand that you are joking. By the way, women are very emotional in nature. If a girl uses a bunch of extra emoticons, you can be sure that you are interesting to her. Maybe she isn’t literally laughing at your message, but she is likely smiling, typing this message for you. This is also one of the indicators of her playful nature.

flirting tips for online chatShow her that she is special

It is necessary to communicate with the girl with genuine interest so that she falls in love. Don’t use simple monosyllabic phrases. Ask questions or propose new topics if the dialogue has exhausted itself. If she asked you: “Do you like cinema?”, then don’t write simply: “Yes.” Answer: “I love movies with beautiful ladies like you! What movie are we going to watch tonight?” Or, for example, you can say that her voice is very similar to the voice of some famous singer. You can also say that only a kind person can possess such a pleasant timbre of voice. Play with her showing that she is special for you. And by the way, if you want to please a woman, forget the faceless pronouns and call her by her name. Each person is pleased to listen to the sound of his or her name. Such treatment gives the conversation a certain intimacy. You can’t overdo it, though; otherwise, you may seem unnatural or even strange.

Take interest in her life

To cause the interest in a girl, you must remember an important psychological tool: it is always more useful to talk about the person you are talking to than about yourself. Guys are often trying to make a positive impression and make a serious mistake – they begin to talk about themselves, demonstrating their achievements and outstanding qualities. And very often they face the exact opposite effect – girls begin to consider them selfish. To start a casual conversation, take an interest in what your interlocutor does, where she studies, what she likes, and so on. And most importantly, don’t forget to carefully listen to the answers, and then the girl herself will tell you about what you need to talk with her, what makes her happy and how she can be carried away.

Tips and advice

The process of virtual communication is not an easy task. Sometimes even relaxed and confident guys ask themselves how to flirt with a girl on the Internet (especially if they really liked her). After all, the chosen one doesn’t see them live and can’t fully appreciate all the external and internal attractiveness. If you know how to flirt with a girl correctly, then the process of communication will become pleasant for both interlocutors. So, we have online flirting tips for you:

Be positive

Girls, women and even very old ladies love to be entertained. Do you remember the famous cartoon Who Framed Roger Rabbit? An ugly rabbit with an ordinary appearance had a beautiful wife, a sex symbol, for whom not only cartoon characters but also real living people were crazy. So, when people asked why she married a rabbit, she answered simply: “He makes me laugh!” So, make the girl smile – this is one of the most important online chat flirting tips. Show her that you are a positive person. Flirtation is built on the ease of communication. If you want to create a subtle connection between you, then forget about the tearful stories about a dishonorable ex-girlfriend and problems at work. Your conversation should be enjoyable and exciting.

Grab her attention

Try to act fast. You should immediately interest the girl and make her trust in you. You will succeed in doing this if you determine the approximate course of her thoughts, understand what she likes, what kind of person she is. After that, the most desperate guys sometimes immediately, under various pretexts, invite a girl, for example, to their home. Others quickly get a phone number and call after a while to arrange an appointment in a more romantic setting. In any case, remember that you shouldn’t abuse the trust of girls. Don’t fool them and don’t use “for the sake of one night”. It is better to use quick dating tactics in order to find a girl for a long and serious relationship (even if you start with flirtation).

Keep the focus on her

If you still don’t understand how to flirt, then this how to flirt online dating girl text will help you. Look, ladies love compliments. Even from unfamiliar men. Even if they didn’t initially like the guy at all. Well, they love them and that’s it! So, here is the tip: think carefully about your first compliment to a girl. It should be different from many others (women will really appreciate original ones!) But your compliment must be true; otherwise, the girl will suspect you of some hidden motives. Find something in her profile that you can sincerely praise her for. Many, very many ladies like it when a guy pays attention to “trifles” (from a male point of view) – beautiful earrings, an elegant handbag, the color of lipstick, and so on. For a girl, this is not a trifle. It means that you focus on her if you notice such details.

Tease her

Once you understand that there is no longer any tension between you, you can begin to tease her a little. This will demonstrate your good sense of humor and make flirtation more original. Teasing is a great tool for flirting. This is a kind of flirting games for girls online. You can tease a woman by repelling her with your own words. But you need to understand the line between teasing and rudeness. You know that many girls want to look the best. So, for example, notice something in the girl that you can comment on. You can say: “Listen, you look good, but you are too thin for me. I like girls with bigger forms.” When she hears this, she will understand that you are not trying to attract her. You don’t pull her but push her away. This is strange. She is curious and she is attracted!

Be everywhere

Try to show yourself as a versatile guy with whom she can sit in a cafe, drink coffee or go to a nightclub, and not just spend one night. This will certainly interest her because such men are rare. Be decisive because many girls dream of a man without complexes. Take an interest in her problems. Girls often cry into a pillow, dreaming of a real guy who would become a defender and reliable support. Letting her know that you can be her support in everything, a girl will fall in love with you soon. It adds piquancy to your game, and it will set you apart from ordinary seducers.

flirting games for girls onlineKeeping it light

You meet a girl but don’t know what to talk about. Look at these flirting tips for online chat: there can be any topic, as in a normal live conversation. It is important to interest the girl, ask leading questions and keep the conversation going on a light positive note. No vulgarity and hints of sex. The girl may be offended and the conversation can end very quickly. No vulgar photos. It is better to postpone such a step. No importunity, anger, depression, pessimism, and weakness. But also, don’t be too serious, boring or moral. Good guys stay in the friend zone, you know.

Emojis are your friends

Today, thanks to emoji, you can express your emotions. They are used by more than 3.2 billion people – 90% of all Internet users. After all, when we talk face to face, with a wave of our hands and a change in voice, we can play out moments that can’t be expressed in words. But don’t constantly use emojis if you don’t want to look stupid. And pay attention to how often she uses emojis. If she writes messages and adds smiling or winking emojis at the end, she definitely flirts with you! If she has sent you hearts more than once, she feels attraction.

Think hard about what you like about her

Give the girl a compliment on what you like about her. She will feel special and desirable. Write a couple of compliments in your message. No girl will remain indifferent if a guy notes what is usually left without attention: eye color, birthmark, voice, manners. This is a great way to show a girl that you are interested in your communication to continue, you are pleased to communicate with her and find out her various sides. Try the classic (very effective) compliments, such as “I can’t stop thinking about you after seeing you in that dress” or “You have wonderful eyes”.

Text her a funny question

It is a total fail if you look boring even via text. Don’t even dream about a date if you failed on the Internet. She no longer wants to spend her time on a dull evening. There is nothing worse than getting confused in words and thoughts, so read books with headlines like online dating how to flirt or prepare in advance some on-duty phrases that will help avoid awkward silence. You can use prepared funny phrases to chat with a girl or come up with your own. They have to be positive and creative. Use these examples of funny phrases: Do you believe in love from the first message? Do you want to go on a date with a handsome man?

Male flirting is an art. Now you know how you can interest a girl while chatting on the Internet. Learn to keep a balance of perseverance, expand your circle of interests and work on charisma. The result of successful flirting will be a real date and establishing relationships with the person you like. And with the perfect development of events, the right flirtation can lead to the creation of a strong married couple!

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