21 Flirty Text Messages to Send to a Girl You Just Met


In the 21st century, SMS and messages in the social networks replaced love letters almost completely. Nowadays, love letters are written only by those guys who like to write beautifully and who are really not lazy. You can rarely meet even one such guy among the contemporary youth, although you might know someone. If people continued to write love letters, maybe there would be fewer problems. This mastery was developed by the guys who lived hundreds of years ago, and people have someone to learn from. However, technologies dictate its conditions, and men are forced to adapt to a new format of communication with girls sending the flirting text messages on the Internet or via SMS.

how to flirt with text messages

Flirting via text messages: how to get the best of it.

More and more people find their soulmates in social networks, and it doesn’t matter whether you have met before or not. It's a good way to get to know a person a little before you go on a date with them. A profile in the social network is a kind of characterization. The first thing that a person pays attention to is photos and the manner of communication. Talking about communication between a man and a woman, it’s about a man’s ability to create flirting messages for her. This second point destroys all chances to continue communication very often.

There is a series of mistakes that people often make in their correspondence. If you want to become a pro in the text message flirting, you should try to avoid them and constantly improve your level. The art of sending the flirting text messages to a girl will be useful not only for those who are going to communicate on social networks after the chance meeting but also for those who want to spice things up. So, how to flirt with text messages?

Be natural in your flirting text messages for her. When you talk on a virtual network, it is important to remember that this is just a way of communication. This is not a protective screen and not a way to hide your true personality. This kind of communication is a good option for shy and insecure people. Are you one of them? It is much easier to write than to talk. In addition, it is always possible to cut off communication in case of failure. However, sometimes people begin to pretend to be someone else. It's easy to send some smart phrases and other people's thoughts when you have the Internet at hand and time to think. Nonetheless, in real life, there will be no opportunity to "google." Therefore, it is important to write your thoughts and opinions from the very beginning. It's okay if you do not know something. Do not be afraid to admit that via your flirting text messages.

Remember about a meaningful and interesting conversation. Try to find something interesting for both of you. If you feel that the girl is reluctant to respond to a message, change the subject of the conversation. Do not insist on talking about what's interesting only to you. Try to respond with the entire phrases. This shows that you are interested in the conversation.

flirty textsGet rid of the templates. Do not send the girl another trite old line. The conversation that is started with the phrase, "What’s up?", may end with the answer, "Fine." This does not mean that you have to make up something extraordinary. Just try to show your interest in a girl's success in a particular case. This will emphasize your attention to this girl.

Be careful with compliments and sweet words. Of course, any flirtation cannot do without compliments. However, you should pay only appropriate compliments. Do not abuse it because it looks unnatural or sometimes even weird. It is not necessary to name a girl "kitty" or "honey" in the first messages. Moreover, you should not definitely write her " my sweetheart." This shows not the seriousness of intention but your self-confidence and light-mindedness. In real life, you didn’t call a girl by such affectionate words when you first met. Therefore, do not do that in the messages.

Keep some mystery. In your messages, you are able to dodge an answer and some details. It does not mean that you should be secretive. However, some facts can be concealed to make an intrigue. It is important to get to know each other gradually. In addition, it is better to tell some things in person. Be able to stack the cards. You should feel where it is appropriate to joke or to send a mixed message. Such tricks will heighten her interest and passion for communication.

Be attentive to the details. Wade hip-deep into her messages. It's ugly to ask something twice when you have already been given an answer. The fact that you remember the small details can pleasantly surprise the girl and show you from the best side. You can say at the right time that you remember what kind of music she likes. This can be done with an original gesture, for example, you can send her favorite song when she is sad. Good flirting consists of such small things.

Do not analyze in depth her replies. Messages are not as important as talking at a meeting or at least via phone. It's a great way to flirt and to keep in touch, but do not overestimate it. When you start reflecting on what she meant in her last message, it's a step towards failure. Do not get carried away.

Don’t wait too long. There is no rule how long it takes to wait before writing the first flirting text message. The best strategy when you take her phone number or add her profile to your “friends” on a social networking site, is to say, "I'll write to you tomorrow." As soon as you say these words, she will wait for this moment, which means that you will have a better chance to get an answer. If you wait too long, you give time to forget you.

Write correctly. The last but not the least important rule is to try to check spelling and punctuation mistakes in your messages. Of course, not everyone is a philologist, and anyone can make a mistake. However, it is horrible when a man who tries to flirt, makes rude mistakes even in some elementary words. After all, the correct language looks more attractive. It is important to understand that flirting is not an abundance of compliments, promises, and sweet words. This is a fine line, which is felt on a subconscious level. Girls immediately distinguish vulgarity from sophistication. You can achieve this invisible impulse only by right and sincere text messages.

21 flirty messages to a girl you just met

The fact that you have already met simplifies the task a little. You don’t need to introduce yourself again and reflect on the reason why you decide to write her. This situation allows you to move on to the cute flirty text messages and continue your pleasant talk. So, how to be flirty over text?

The main idea of the flirty text messages is to make it unobtrusive and funny. This will show a lack of need. It is the need that kills attraction in a man. When a man comes off that way, it acts as an irritant, and instead of wanting to get to know a man closer, the girl wants a man to get away. There are some examples of flirty texts for her.

  1. I wish I was a mirror in which you look every day.
  2. Do you believe in love at first sight, or it is necessary to walk by you again?
  3. I just woke up, I had a dream about you.
  4. If you have a to-do list, include me in it.
  5. The best thing about a keyboard is that U and I will be together.
  6. Do you know that Chinese beetles should be cooked under sweet and sour sauce?
  7. If there was a time machine, I would use it to come and see you again.
  8. You know, red is definitely your color.how to be flirty over text
  9. You are hotter than the bottom of my laptop when I’ve watched too much Netflix.
  10. Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you are CuTe.
  11. It's so chilly out, I need you to come warm me up.
  12. Did you catch Game of Thrones last night?
  13. Wanna skip class/work and hang out with me instead?
  14. You know you miss me.
  15. You've kept me smiling all day.
  16. Stop distracting me. I'm busy (use an emoji in addition to it.)
  17. I can’t even remember the last minutes we spoke. We need to change that.
  18. I’m still single, in case you were wondering.
  19. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to smile for no reason.
  20. Wish you were here. Next to me.
  21. What would you ask for if you knew the answer was, “Yes?”

Send her flirty texts only into the private messages and not somewhere in the comments under the picture. The girl will behave quite differently and write all the wrong things if your correspondence goes in front of everyone. Do not write too big flirty text messages for her. Voluminous texts take a long time to write them, and both of you might lose the train of thought because of that. In this case, brevity is the soul of wit.

When you prepare the flirty texts to send to a girl, don’t forget that it will be much better to see her offline, and not to correspond on the Internet or via SMS forever. Do not spend hours on the Internet and don’t create only flirty texts to send a girl. Good flirting is an art and a means to ask her on a date. Don’t hesitate to do that as soon as you feel that this moment has already come.

Try to prevent misinterpretation

If you have more or less clarified the principles of flirty texts sending, now it's time to move on to the next pitfall, it is the misinterpretation. The fact is that even the greatest text will not convey your intonations, emotions, facial expressions, and therefore, absolutely disastrous situations can arise, especially if you communicate with a girl you do not know well.

Here's an example of a possible situation. One of your female friends had met a handsome man at a bar. They had liked each other very much and, as a result, they had driven to her apartment by a taxi that night (she had paid for the taxi for some reasons). In a couple of days, she showed you her phone with SMS from that guy, "Hi, when will you take a taxi again?" She was very angry. She did not even think that this guy hinted at their nightly adventure, and this message does not mean that he has nothing to pay for the taxi again. If that guy knew about this rule and just invited her to drink, it could all work out differently. Avoid these metaphors, and do not use slang. Evaluate the girl’s reaction to your messages. If the reaction seems to you inadequate, then it is likely that she doesn’t understand your message correctly.

Misunderstanding can be easily eliminated, but there are things more terrible, for example, if you send a message to the wrong girl. One wrong click and your love affair will be compromised. Most importantly, remember that a text message is a more material thing than a telephone conversation. As they say, once it's in writing, it's never going away. Any rudeness, any negative emotion that you express in a message, will be used against you in the future. So, write simply and clearly, and then you will avoid troubles.

Comments (1)
These are cool flirty text messages. Hope they work.
13.02.2020 14:42
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