The Dos and Don'ts of Online Dating


Nowadays dating on the Internet has become more than just a trend. Online dating is the easiest and one of the most efficient ways to find a girlfriend. More and more people learn how to date online. They create profiles on special websites and begin their search for love. For some people, online dating is the only way to find a partner, because they are too busy to go on a date in real life. Some people are not confident enough to date with people in reality. Plus, the range of possible matches is way bigger on the Internet.

Humans are social beings. We hate to stay alone for too long. When this happens, we begin to feel lonely and abandoned. This is why all human beings desperately need attention from other humans. But it is not enough just to have friends. We want and seek a lover, because of our wish for romantic relations. This awakes another problem since many people are too shy or not confident to date in real life. The Internet provides us with ways to meet a girl online, but it is not good enough, because many people have no idea what to do when dating someone online.

how to date online

Dating online is very different from dating in the real world. Partly it is easier to find a girl online because the Internet helps us hide how shy we are, and it doesn’t require us to react fast and think about what to say immediately. But it causes different problems. For example, when you create a profile. It also leads to higher competition between people. Because the Internet allows us to interact with various people way faster. You can have a tete-a-tete chat online at the same time with way more people than in reality.

The dos of successful online dating

To be successful in online dating, you must know which ways and methods of attracting attention work well, and which you should avoid at any cost. We will call those methods and ways online dating "dos" and don’ts." It is obvious that you should do “Dos” and should not do “Don’ts.” Some of those Dos are crucial for your success in online dating, other dos are important and useful, but if you sometimes avoid doing those, it won’t be a problem.

Stay safe

Remember, safety first. There are many ways how you can expose yourself on the Internet, but it is not all that bad. It is pretty easy to protect yourself against scammers. First of all, you must never send your vital data. It is your credit card number and CVV, your passwords, your home address and information about the time when you are not there. It is enough just to be careful. Second, you should never download any strange files. No matter what device you use, it can be a PC, Mac, or Android. Those files may infect your system, steal your information, and other vital data. Third, you should never click or tap on strange external links. Those links not only may show your GeoPosition and information about your device but also can infect your gadget. Of course, you should apply these rules when talking to strangers.

Be self-aware in the process of dating

Don’t lose your own self while searching for a girlfriend or looking at ladies gallery. You will receive many strange propositions and will meet different people. Your attitude toward online dating should not be very serious. No, you definitely should use the Internet as a way of finding a girlfriend, but don’t be too serious with people whom you will meet there. The more people you meet online, the more inadequate and problematic personals you will face. Losing self-awareness is very close to losing your mind. Don’t lose your mind because of some stranger on the internet.

what to do when online dating failsGo beyond photos when matching and liking

Photos are very important, it is true. But a person is way more than just his or her looks. Remember, you will live with this person’s hobbies, interests, and other stuff. But this is if we are talking about a long-term perspective. In the short-term, you will still have to find common interests and topics for discussions. Usually, people try to mention many things about themselves in their BIO. It helps you understand what this person likes and how he or she feels about life. So, don’t choose people only because of their looks.

Keep it fun

This is very important. Don’t be too serious in your bio and photos. Posting something stupid is not a very good idea either. But not applying humor at all is the worst thing you can do. Search for fun online dating questions and use them in your conversations and dialogues. Plus, humor will help you to know what to do when online dating fails. And this is very important. Because there will be many failures in online dating, this is why it is so important to maintain a positive and humorous attitude to it.

Use a variety of apps

The more different apps and websites you use, the higher your chances are to actually find a girlfriend online. Remember, different apps and websites are popular among different groups of people. Some apps are nice if you use them from your PC, some are working better with smartphones. In some apps, you can chat with your partner for a long time. Others imply that you need to meet in real life as soon as possible. So, as you understand, you should try them all, and find something that will perfectly suit your needs.

Use photos that show the real you

Usually, when people search for online dating tips, the first thing they find is advice about what kind of photos they should post. As you can see, your photos are very important. Remember, your photos should be real, or you will disappoint girls, and they won’t even come on a date with you. This is not only about your looks, but also highly connected with every other aspect of your life. Don’t take photos with someone else’s cars and so on. You should be in your photos, and they should represent your interests and hobbies.

Don’ts of online dating

Usually, don’ts of online dating are very obvious, and if you are a decent person, you won’t be making those mistakes. But we will mention a couple of things that you should never do in your online dating. First of all, remember about grammar. You may think that in online texting grammar doesn’t mean much, but you are wrong. No one likes to decrypt your messages. This usually annoys people. So, don’t forget to read your message a couple of times before sending it.

Don’t disappear if you are interested in a girl. During the first two weeks, try to conduct active correspondence. And remember: all this is done in order to meet in person. Virtual dating doesn’t live long. About a month passes (the relationship is less likely to last longer), and the connection fades away, you correspond more and more rarely, then you stop completely. It is important to make an appointment at this moment. Otherwise, the chance is lost. Although, of course, you shouldn’t be too intrusive.

Agree to go to a girl’s home on the first date

If your new girlfriend on the first date invites you to her place, then it is not a very good idea to agree. And here is why. Think about this situation as a whole. She barely knows you, and why on Earth on your first date she will invite you to her place and will agree to have sex without even knowing you. She not only may have personal issues of some kind but also try to imagine how many people have already been there with her before you. Is this risk worth taking? Of course, it is not. It is better to avoid desperate people like her.

Bring friends, family members, or pets to a date

Who can even do that? Someone may think that it will help ease the atmosphere if they are too shy. But come on, this can only make your date awkward. You should never invite your friends and family members on your date. Because it is your date after all, it is your love interest, and your girlfriend expects to see you and only you. You will insult her if you bring someone else with you. Other people steal your attention from her. Plus, meeting two strangers at the same time is not the most pleasant thing to do.

Now about pets. At first glance, they don’t steal too much attention as people do. They don’t talk, don’t distract with strange topics and won’t tell anyone about your date. And your pet is probably very cute, doesn’t it sound like a good idea to bring it with you on your first date? Nope, it is not better than bringing a family member with you on your first date. Remember, your pet needs your time and may behave differently with a stranger. Plus, it has its own needs, so you will have a hard time taking care of it. It also shortens the number of places you can spend time with a girl on the first date at.

Send indecent pictures before meeting

Many people ask what to do when online dating doesn't work. They get clear answers that they should work on themselves if they want to succeed. But they usually find an easier way. This is what you should never do because sending inappropriate pictures of yourself is the worst idea ever. Ask yourself who are you trying to find. A hooker? Every nice girl will immediately ignore you after seeing your nude pics before your first date. This is not only wrong but also pretty useless in terms of finding a decent girlfriend.

what to do when online dating failsBarrage your date with messages afterward

Some people think that barraging someone with their messages is the best way to make sure that a girl will stay with them. This is far from the truth. By bombarding her with messages, you show that you are not very popular among other girls. Remember, the less interest you pay to a girl, the more she likes you. Many articles also imply that after your first date you have to ignore a girl for no less than three days, but this is stupid too. This will only annoy her, and chances are high that she will refuse to go on a second date with you. The best way is to text her immediately after the date that you liked it a lot. And then remain silent no more than for one day.

Don’t rely on humor or sexual innuendo

Applying humor is always a good idea, and this is the first online dating advice that people usually receive. But if humor is all that you have, then you are completely doomed. You see, humor has its own time and place. If you don’t know when it is right to apply it, then it is better to avoid humor at all. Girls like boys who can make them laugh. Your first date may be nice, but on your second one, she will definitely see that there is pure emptiness behind your humor. There is no way to hide it. So, make sure that you have many other things to you aside from humor.

Sexual innuendos in 99% of situations seem inappropriate. This is a very slippery road. One wrong step and you will fall. First of all, if you overuse sexual innuendos, then you will look like a person who can’t control itself. This is rude and dirty. Usually, normal people don’t like it. You can only use sexual innuendos if you feel that there is a chemistry between you two and only after your third date. And still, you should have a very high skill to use sexual innuendos without insulting your girlfriend.

Don’t stay online too long before a meeting

Remember, the most important thing in online dating is the fact that you will turn them into offline dating. Without converting from online to offline, the whole idea of online dating has no point. As we have mentioned before, your online dating should never last longer than one month, or else you will lose your partner. The first date should be held in comfortable conditions for both of you. No matter how good a person seems to be in communication, you shouldn’t rush with an invitation to home and close contact in general. The first date opens up excellent prospects to get to know your new partner better, to make a more detailed picture of her, to understand whether it is worth continuing the acquaintance.

Dating sites will never lose their popularity. Someone has been deliberately seeking the ideal life partner for years, others were chatting with new friends for the sake of interest and entertainment, and sometimes virtual flirting is transferred to reality and ends with a noisy wedding. If you ask someone who found a partner on the internet about online dating, you will hear the enthusiastic story of a passing acquaintance, sparkling meeting, and love at first sight. We hope that now you understand how to know if online dating is right for you. Like everything else in this life, it has its pros and cons.

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