Top 10 Facts about Modern Dating


A relationship between a man and a woman is often difficult to understand in recent years. It is sad but true. Everything moves on and now such a fundamental thing of our life as a relationship is being built according to completely different rules than it was not so long ago. We collected modern rules of dating in this article.

modern dating

What are modern dating rules?

Fact #1: Everyone lies

It's unavoidable. Even the most honest woman, when meets the man she likes, will say any pleasant words, pretend that she is very interested in your stories and so on, but she does it just to seem attractive. Despite the fact that it's not good to lie, you can sometimes be indulgent to little exaggerations of a girl, because she does it for one reason - she wants to be with you so much that she is ready for a little lie. All you need in this situation is to determine the boundary that is dangerous to cross. Agree that if a woman says that she is just crazy about all England’s national football teams and knows all players by name - this is one thing. If she hides some important details of her past life, perhaps not quite good or even illegal, that's quite another thing.

Fact #2: All people use each other

Until an interlocutor gets interested in you, she will not show a drop of attention. You can get out of your skin, but if you don’t have what a person needs, you will remain nobody.

Fact #3: You will be disappointed many times

You will learn new facts from the life of the person with whom you spend time day after day. You will not always like what you will hear. After all, you met one person and sooner it turned out that she was completely different. But this also concerns you, you also don’t tell everything about yourself at first stage of a relationship, right?

RelationshipsFact #4: You are not the one with whom she meets

Don’t think that you are the only person in the life of a girl at the stage of dating. She can choose among several partners. So be prepared for the fact that she may not choose you.

Fact #5: Not everyone may like your requirements

It's you who imagines the perfect partner in your head. But don’t forget that these thoughts are only yours. Nobody will be as you want. Every adult woman has already formed as a person, therefore, either love her as she is or try to change her (that is quite difficult to do or even impossible).

Fact # 6: You will never know a partner a hundred percent

It's absolutely impossible. People tend to play the role that is beneficial. Therefore, you will be able to discover new traits of your lover's character even after 10 years.

Fact #7: The one who loves less has more advantages

The stronger love at the beginning, the more frustrating it is when the relationship is exhausted. Do you make a declaration of love to a person after a few months of dating? Stop doing this. Your importance falls in her eyes and she believes that you already can’t go anywhere. She relaxes and starts behaving selfishly. If you are not loved, don’t beg for love.

Fact #8: People pretend that they love the same things as you like

Modern dating includes this deception at the beginning of relations. Some couples have joint interests that help them strengthen relations, and one of such thing can be a sports team that both (supposedly) partners like. This may not necessarily be sports, but also a hobby, a favorite movie, music genres that make people inseparable. Most likely, there is something insincere. It is hard to believe that people have so much in common.

Fact #9 Your friends are so great!

It can be so that girls will love all your friends, especially at the very beginning of a relationship. Do you like all that girls’ gossip and all these typical female tricks and conversations hidden from the male ears? We don’t think so. The same thing happens on the other side. In any case, some of your friends are terribly boring and uninteresting and even you are not delighted with them. But a girl wants to be a part of your life so much that even agrees to share with you all the hardships of your friendship. And she does it in order to please you.

Fact #10 I have never done this before...

If it is a question of playing golf, then it is quite possible that this is really so. If you are already lying in one bed or just going there, then most likely this is not true.

Comments (1)
Yeah, modern dating can be deceptive. You need to be careful.
13.02.2020 14:28
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