Why and How to Practice Safe Sex Only


We won’t tell you the big news if we say that safe sex is the guarantee of your health. But you know, we will still repeat this: protect yourself if you do not want your life to collapse one day into an abyss because of an unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease or AIDS. Believe us, despite the information of the population about what happens when you do not think about safety during sex, the hospitals are full of those who need expensive and lengthy treatment because he went to a party where there were a lot of girls and alcohol, forgetting to bring a condom.

Psychotherapists and social workers also do not sit idle for a day - the number of people suffering from unrealized wishes and depressed due to unplanned pregnancies does not decrease. Surprisingly, it is growing. And this is in our enlightened 21st century. Therefore, take our article not as boring notations but as a direct guide to action. With a partner in which you are not sure there can only be safe sex. Let's discuss the reasons for this in more detail.

safe sex facts

7 Reasons Why You Should Practice Safe Sex

Pregnancy is a great time in a woman's life. Especially if it is really welcome, and the partners have prepared for it.

Various contraceptives are used for the prevention of abortion and pregnancy planning, among which you can choose those that suit your situation better. The choice of contraceptive means is usually carried out with the help of a doctor. After all, the effectiveness and acceptability of drugs, that is, the health of both partners, depend on the correct usage.

Even condoms that are well known to all are not only a barrier way to protect yourself from pregnancy, but also an opportunity to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

There are several good reasons for using contraception and learning ways to practice safe sex:

1. Learn how to practice safe sex and avoid abortion and possible complications. Unfortunately, people often bring the matter to the point where abortion remains the only possible way out. Abortion is very dangerous for health. Their consequences lead not only to gynecological diseases, but also to maternal mortality, reproductive health disorders, complications of subsequent pregnancies and childbirth, as well as infertility. In the first months after the abortion complications often develop: there are inflammations of the genitals, diseases of the cervix and others. They are able to move into a chronic form, and cause infertility. According to various data, after the first abortion infertility occurs in 20 percent of women. And 25 percent of the complications after the abortion lead to the death of a woman. Therefore, the prevention of abortions and their complications is one of the main tasks in preserving the reproductive health of women and ensuring the birth of healthy children.

2. It is time to safe sex facts: according to some reports, over 50,000 underage girls aged 13 to 17 become mothers each year. More than two-thirds of pregnancies at this age result in abortion or miscarriage. Too early birth of a child takes time and effort that a girl could use to get education in order to gain independence. Therefore, teenage pregnancy significantly affects the future well-being of the young mother and her family. At the same time, close people do not always support the girl - both morally and financially. A load of unexpected difficulties can lead to the use of alcohol and drugs.

3. Practice safe sex to avoid too late pregnancy. The common problem of unplanned pregnancy in a woman over 40 is the birth of a child with chromosomal abnormalities. This is due, among other things, to the fact that with age ovum becomes older, and during the previous years of life, various toxic substances and other harmful factors have affected the body of the woman. In particular, with age, a woman's risk of having a baby with Down syndrome increases. Genetic pathology leads to a child's mental retardation and impaired physical development. If at 25 such a probability is 1 in 1,250 pregnancies, then at 45 it increases to 1 in 30. The achievements of modern medicine allow a woman to give birth to a child after 40 and even after 50 years. But everything will go well only if the future mother's body is ready for pregnancy, and she is under the supervision of doctors from the first days after conception.

4. Do not exacerbate health problems. Pregnancy can exacerbate chronic diseases. If it is not planned, both the future mother and the baby are in serious danger. For example, if a woman suffered from hypertension, pregnancy exacerbates pressure problems and significantly increases the risk of pre-eclampsia, characterized by increased blood pressure due to the presence of protein in the urine and edema. If a woman has diabetes, an accidental pregnancy can result in fetal death or the appearance of developmental defects in the baby - diabetic fetopathy. The greatest impact is the increase of sugar in the blood of the expectant mother in the first 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, during the process of formation of all organs of the fetus. how to have safe anal sex But, as a rule, a woman finds out about pregnancy only after one and a half to two months after an unplanned conception. Pregnancy is dangerous for women with problems with kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems and other organs. The use of contraception allows you to postpone conception for a period when the diseases will be in a state of stable remission, and doctors are likely to be able to predict how the woman will feel when carrying the fetus.

5. Hardly any of the men wants to become a father at the wrong time. The simplest means of contraception, for example, condoms, can save from this. Safe sex is a guarantee that you do not have to interrupt your way up the career ladder or marry an unloved woman because of stupidity and irresponsibility.

6. Safe sex will save you from sexually transmitted diseases. Yes, syphilis is no longer as dangerous as it used to be. Yes, venereal diseases are treatable and no one will send you to the reservation because you have caught an "unprincipled" disease. But believe us, gonorrhea is the last thing you want to encounter in your life. Being engaged in safe sex, you are insured from this.

7. AIDS. This is an extremely serious disease that leads to death without permanent treatment throughout life. It's simple - do not engage in sex with a person you hardly know. And if it is not avoidable, use a condom. Did you forget it at home? Then do what you want but avoid unwanted sexual contact.

The Rules of Having Safe Sex

Safe sex is one that does not cause harm to health, and the risk of contracting STIs (sexually transmitted infections), including AIDS, is minimized. After all, with unprotected sexual contact, you can get syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, genital candidiasis, herpes, hepatitis and other infections. If you heard something about these diseases, you hardly want to know them better. Most likely, you would like to learn some safe sex practices. And that’s very wise.

Many people ask: is it possible to have safe sex with herpes? Unfortunately, there is no ideal way to protect yourself in this case. Herpes infection will always try to attack a healthy body. But the following tips will help reduce the probability of infection: since the time of the first symptoms until the final healing of herpes sores, it is better not to engage in sex. Risks increase if the skin is broken. For example, there was no lubrication and mucous rubbing occurred. Ulcers on the hips or buttocks are also the cause of infection with genital herpes. Try not to touch them if possible. Sex should occur in a condom.

How to Have Safe Anal Sex

First of all, of course, it's worth taking care of proper hygiene. Some women prefer to pre-rinse the rectum with a cleansing enema. However, it is not necessary to do this. The enemas themselves are not very useful, since they wash away the good microflora. Therefore, their use is justified in case of painful constipation, but not as a hygienic procedure. It is enough just to wash the anus with soap or a means for intimate hygiene.

Nevertheless, going to the toilet before anal sex is still desirable. This will allow you to get more pleasure from the process and fully relax. Since with a crowded intestine a woman during an anal contact can feel the urge to defecate. So the enema can come in handy if the intestine was not emptied naturally.

It is desirable for a man to use a condom, but the factory lubricant, which is applied by manufacturers to contraceptives, quickly loses its properties, which can worsen the quality of anal sex. Therefore, it is desirable to have a quality lubricant in hand and do not remove the condom until the end of coition. So is anal sex safe? Yes, if you follow the rules of hygiene.

Safe sex is great sex. You feel completely relaxed. You can give yourself to the process and not be distracted by the annoying thoughts. And when it's over, you will not be tormented by a sense of anxiety. How to achieve all this? It's simple. Just follow these safe sex tips:

  • One of the most important rules is to reduce the number of sexual partners to a minimum. Ideally, it should be the one and permanent.
  • If possible, exclude sex with strangers. If you still decide to use a chance, then, except for a condom, you can use vaginal suppositories (nitazolum or pharmatex). It’s the way to have safe sex without condom.
  • how to practice safe sexSince the virus or infection enters the body through blood, sperm and vaginal fluid, it is recommended to always use a condom with vaginal, oral and anal sexual contact. Infection through saliva, sweat, urine and tears is considered unlikely.
  • If you want to learn how to practice safe sex, try to avoid such types of sex in which it is possible to injure the mucous membranes, as this contributes to the penetration of the infection.
  • Also, the likelihood of infection increases in the event that a person has recently suffered from a cold, or there are chronic diseases, as the immunity and overall resistance of the body deteriorate.

How to Have Safe Oral Sex

It must be remembered that when engaged in oral sex, you can also get STIs and AIDS. Therefore, when doing fellatio, it is better to use a condom, and with cunnilingus it is better to cover the labia with a special latex napkin (you can use a cut condom without lubrication).

If you want to be sure that condoms you use are good as means for safe sex, it is necessary to take into account such moments as:

  • the shelf life of the product and its storage conditions;
  • the material from which the condom is made (preferably latex, since natural products do not protect against infection with STI and HIV);
  • use as a lubricant only specially designed stuff for this means (and in no case do not use for this purpose Vaseline, cream and everything containing in the composition of oil);
  • for greater confidence in the safety of anal and oral sex, you can use special reinforced condoms;
  • it is also very important to properly put on and take off the already used product.

But how to have safe sex without condoms? For example, you can use women's polyurethane condoms (femidom), which protect against STIs, AIDS, and unwanted pregnancy as well as men's condoms. This is an excellent alternative to birth control pills, which can have unpleasant side effects for the female body.

Safe sex can be an excellent incentive for the development of imagination. After all, for example, sex on the phone (like virtual), massage, masturbation, mutual caresses are absolutely safe in terms of infection with STIs and AIDS. If you do not have a regular sexual partner, your job is to have regular check-ups with a doctor and ALWAYS be protected. Fortunately, modern medicine has invented dozens of ways to make it possible.

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This topic is really important! Thank you for spreading useful information among your visitors.
13.02.2020 15:01
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