14.08.2019What You Need to Know About Dating After Divorce
Each person has own timeline when he or she is ready for new relationships again. “It’s more important not how much time will pass from the moment of divorce, but what you will do during this time,” explain psychologists. According to them, it is important to mourn the loss and learn what can be done better in the next relationships. Once you are ready, these tips on how to start dating after divorce will help you.
23.07.2019How to find a soulmate online
Social networks and dating apps are the first things you think about when you want to take a step towards new relationships. However, can such a meeting be successful? Love can be found anywhere, including the web. Most often acquaintance there begins with correspondence.
01.07.2019What Is Cheating in a Relationship: Forms and Types?
A violation of the agreement on sexual exclusiveness leads to devastating consequences. But still, betrayals occur. And the reasons are different – as well as those experiences that arise in people. What is cheating in a relationship? What are its forms and types?
01.07.2019Wedding Planning Checklist 2019
How to start wedding planning? Well, before you even consider the financial aspect of this event, you should think about some other things that are just as important as all of the bookings that are ahead of you.
07.06.2019How and When to Start Dating After a Breakup
When one relationship ends painfully, it is very difficult for us to re-believe in love and open up to a new person. Nevertheless, this must be done to live life to the fullest again.
06.06.2019What’s It Like Dating Someone with BPD
Borderline personality disorder is often confused with a bad temper. And it is not surprising because people with this diagnosis behave unpredictably: they make a declaration of love to their partners and, in a minute, they consider them the enemy number one. How else does BPD manifest? What are the specifics of the disorder and diagnosis? Is borderline personality disorder and dating possible?
03.05.2019How to Know If a Girl Is Interested in You: 10 Sure Signs
There are quite a few ways to know that a woman is not interested in you. If she doesn’t seem to want to be physically close to you, she immediately reacts to any sort of physical contact, even by accident, then she is probably not interested in you.
If you are at a party or at any other social event, her eyes can tell you a lot about her interest in you.
03.05.2019Dating a Taurus Woman: A Complete Guide
Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac circle. The sun enters the Taurus sector on April 21 and leaves it on May 20. People who were born during this period are under the auspices of the elements of the Earth, thanks to which they always feel the ground under their feet and possess such qualities of character as thoroughness, stability, practicality, reliability, conservatism.
02.05.2019Constructive VS. Destructive Criticism in a Relationship
We want our partners to admire, appreciate, encourage, and support us. However, there is nothing ideal in the world, which means there are always moments when partners criticize each other. To do this correctly and achieve positive results, it is important to avoid common mistakes. So, constructive vs destructive criticism – what is better?
02.05.2019How to Move on from an Ex
It sometimes happens that love fades away, and the disagreements in a couple, as divorce lawyers say, become irreconcilable. Many people quickly recover after breaking up and begin building new relationships, but what if an emotional trauma was too deep? Today we are going to list some reasons onto why you may have some issues with letting go of your ex and what should be done instead.
29.03.2019Lack of Passion in a Relationship and How to Get It Back
Today we will talk about passion in more detail. We'll learn what it is, why passion is important for maintaining and developing relationships, and how to return passion if you and your partner lack it.
05.03.2019Don't Lose Yourself in a Relationship, and Here's Why
When we start a serious relationship, each of us wants to get into all areas of the partner’s life, become as close as possible and crowd out all the memories of their exes. We begin to dispose of their time, things and life. However, after all, a partner enters our life in the same way, and at some point, you can catch yourself thinking, “Where am I? Where is my personal space? How did it happen that now I have to warn them about hanging out with my friends in advance?”
05.03.2019How to Stop Being a Nice Guy
Here’s a scene that will tell you everything you need to know about the nice guy syndrome. You're a man. You are sitting in the evening on the beach in the company of your friends. It is warm, summer weather. One friend is playing the guitar, the other one is singing along with him. Someone is drinking. Directly opposite to you is a girl, she is dancing and when you lock eyes, she winks at you. She is hot as hell.
13.02.2019Dating a Korean Girl: 10 Tips for You
It is obvious that all girls are individual. Nevertheless, the cultural-historical process changes the way of life of society beyond recognition from century to century, making the inhabitants of one country so different from others.
06.02.2019Romantic Good Morning Messages for Her
Each girl will be incredibly pleased if her loved one shows attention and care towards her: supports her in everything, makes lovely gifts, gives flowers and wraps her in a warm blanket. And such surprises like pleasant words on the screen of her phone as soon as she opens her eyes or something like that will delight any girl.
10.01.2019How to Manage Your High Sex Drive
The desire for sexual rapprochement, the so-called libido, is a special relationship between two people of the opposite sexes. It is something generic, not the nature or type of behavior (although, of course, there are exceptions, for example, situations where a man is guilty before a woman, and he promised to establish a short-term intimate relationship with her).
10.01.20197 Reasons to Date a Nerd
You fell in love with a nerd and now, you can’t understand how to date a nerd, right? If yes, you came to the right place, because our purpose is to provide you with a nerd dating advice and a number of useful tips which will help get on their good side. Besides, this review caters to the needs of both - men and women. Mayhap, this information will assuage your doubts and help you finally understand that it is all right to date crummers!
19.12.2018Giving Love a Second Chance: Does It Really Work?
One of the most important qualities people in relationships should have is the unquestioning acceptance of their partner. No one has the right to change a person, even the closest one has no right to do this. You can only influence your loved one and try to work together on some problem issues, but never demand from your partner anything – this will only push them away.
05.11.2018Dating a Disabled Woman: Rules to Know and Follow
Any relationship with a person with disabilities suggests the presence of strong love and the feeling that it is this person you need. Only such factors will allow going through all the problems and difficulties of living together with a disabled person. Disabled singles dating someone can overcome their problems - there are many examples of it.
04.10.2018Subtle Ways to Break the Touch Barrier
If a girl is not ready to have ties with you, you can get a strong rebuff and your relationship will end. Of course, no girl directly will tell you that she expects hugs and kisses from a man. Although, carefully watching the behavior of a girl, you can easily feel when it’s time to act.